Spring is around the corner and it is time to get outside and smell the flowers! But beware! There is other beings that also want to smell those flowers! WASPS!
Indiana has paper wasps, yellow jackets, as the top stinging insects that are also pollinators. These nasty flying insects like to nest in protected locations. Paper wasps have the honey comb shaped nest made out of paper and silk from the females abdomen. They like to nest in the eaves of houses or any structure that provides protection to the fragile nest. Yellow jackets will nest anywhere! They will nest in the ground and in trees and shrubs and eaves of houses basically, anywhere. The nest is made of chewed wood fibers and can get very large. Both species will sting you and have the ability to sting you multiple times. Basically, these are two insects you do not want in your back yard.
What do you do if you find them in the back yard? Well, you can take a can of wasp spray and hope that you can kill them before they come after you with those lance-like stingers or you can call a professional.
We offer a spring/summer/fall power spray program that will be able to remove the pest in the spring and make sure that they do not come back all year long. The power spray program also gives you the added relief to know that other insects such as ants, pill bugs and spiders, will also be eradicated with the treatment. Our treatments are $95 a season and have free call backs if any of these pest do not go away.